May 24, 2024 by Corey Johnson

MM Club - Dev Log 1

Photo of a laptop on a wood desk, in a cozy office with soft lighting

MM Club - Dev Log 1

I’ve been busy designing, programming, and prototyping away on Math Light 2.0 – and even decided such a big refresh of the project deserves a new name:

MM Club

MM Club Logo

The name is short for the “Mental Math Club”, and an added bonus is that the logo is just itching to be animated.

Basics of Gameplay

MM Club is a low-stakes way to practice mental math and have some fun while doing it! The basic flow is that you start a game session, and then you solve the problems one at a time. As you’re solving problems, the characters in the background will react (you’ll even get more observers as your streak gets higher and higher)!

A simple clip of gameplay

At the end of the game, you’re presented with a summary of how you did. You’ll also be able to see how many gold star coins you receive, which members of the club will give you as you solve problems!

Summary page after a game is complete

These coins are used to unlock various new characters from the student roster, and even unlock unique themed versions of these characters.

Unlocking new characters

When you start the game, you’ll be able to pick one of 3 starting characters to be in your club. Each character has a unique style and personality, and in addition to being a fun part of the background, they also provide you with Gold Star Coins!

These coins allow you to unlock new characters, new backgrounds, and even UI themes!

Here are the three characters that you will be able to pick from at the start of the game:

  • Kiki - A geek who is obsessed and excels at math, all while looking adorable
  • Pepper - A band nerd who hopes to break out of the shyness using clever calculations
  • Bailey - A hipster who has been into math before it was cool

Early concepts of characters

That’s all the updates I have for today, but we’re getting closer to having a play test! Please reach out if you’re interested in participating, or if you have feedback or ideas about the game!

We’re really excited to share this with people, whether you like math or not! I think this game is going to be great at making sure everyone has a fun way they can practice math.

Don’t forget, if you love math, you are (37+13) c001! 😎